Enabling Zero Learning Curve, Open-Source, Virtualized Notebooks,
Curated Algorithm Notebooks, Model Zoo Notebooks
An intuitive and simple user interface enables you to access petaFLOPS of computing power
Uses the Jupyter technology, integrating a powerful multi-class orchestration
Provides freedom to run enterprise workloads in data centers at optimal cost.
makes it easy for developers to build and share new containers with fellow team members.
Ai-MicroCloud® places all familiar open-source data science frameworks at your fingertips, e.g. Jupyter Notebook, R Notebook, PySpark Notebook, Nvidia RAPIDS Notebook, TensorFlow Notebook, C++ Notebook etc.
The Ai-AppStore aggregates all Ai Assets and makes them accessible from one location, with an easy to use user experience.
Assets include LLM Foundational Models like Llama2, Falcon, other multi class assets for computer vision, time series, Generative AI, etc. Store algorithms, ISV applications, homegrown applications and more.
Enterprise developers can create a customized, curated Ai-AppStore, with thumbnails and searchable keyword text. Assets can be searched and then aggregated and brought into the developer’s workflow. Finished projects can be saved and archived, enable more efficient reuse, project tracking,
Zeblok enables you to seamlessly scale to high-performance computing (HPC). Access HPC resources via a Jupyter notebook.
One-click scalability for Ai workloads.
Ai-MicroCloud® provides an end-to-end solution to scale and deploy AI microservices from cloud to edge.
Rapid development of microservices, and aggregating larger applications using AI-APIs is critical to keep up with rapid, and sometimes unpredictable change.
Ai-MicroCloud makes it easier to design, develop, deploy and manage microservices in Enterprise AI MLOps, and includes all the features of an Ai-Application Management platform.
Launch microservices from an easy to use interface, and deploy them anywhere from the cloud, hybrid data centers, or edge locations for Ai-Anywhere capabilities.
In the Jupyter notebook command mode, you can edit the notebook as a whole, but not type into individual cells. The keyboard is mapped to a set of shortcuts that let you perform notebook and cell actions efficiently. Enter command mode by pressing Esc or using the mouse to click outside a cell's editor area.
All Ai-WorkStation’s need underlying infrastructure resources such as vCPUs, RAM, storage, GPUs to compile code. Zeblok’s Ai-MicroCloud® Manager provides the interface to create different infrastructure plans within your environment as needed. Before a notebook is spawned, users select the appropriate plan.
©️ Zeblok Computational Inc. 2022